Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Sometimes its up, sometimes down, going right one minute and downhill the next....and if your life is not like this then you need to check yourself for a pulse. The beauty of life is that it is rarely what you expect, there are so many forces at work that are beyond your control no matter how hard you try to maintain balance (all forms of O.C.D included). Often times when things happen to us we seek for reasons why or look for something or someone to blame...one thing I believe in my whole being is that everything happens for a reason, it doesn't have to make sense to you right at the get go but if you sit down to reflect you begin to see things a little more clearer. It helps if life has taken you through some tough times because your focus tends to be steadier. Of course everyone has the option to bitch as much as they want but eventually thats all it is plus a whole lot of wasted breath,and strenuous shaking of fists or lifting of middle fingers. Maybe I'm just the eternal optimist I believe Life sometimes happens to you but sometimes...sometimes You can choose to happen to life. Make a memory, take a turning, reach out a helping hand, forgive, forget, let go, take deep breaths.......I believe Life sometimes happens to you but other times....You can choose to happen to life. Much love always

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