Monday, June 6, 2011

What's With This Dark Cloud Over My Head?

Today is one of those days when I feel totally inept. Nothing I can think of doing seems to resonate any meaningful substance. I feel like I just am not. Simple as that. I can't bring my mind to focus on one thing and derive the satisfaction of its usefulness.

These are the days when chocolate, ice-cream and girlfriends come in handy. But I've never been that kind of a girl so why start now. I retreat to my quiet corner of the house which is very hard to achieve in these house with two kids under the age of three and an impressionable teenager who want to always be looking over my shoulder at what I do. Anyway back to the topic at hand, so I retreat, (check), arm myself with a novel or a notebook to write and have lots of tea(yes tea) and it has nothing to do with the fact that my ancestors settled in the western region eventually after wandering all the way from Egypt. so lets recap on that Peace + Tea + Novel/Notebook = coming-out-of-this-dark-stupor that is weighing me down. I'm on my fifth cup and trips to empty my bladder notwithstanding I feel pretty good already.

I've recently decided to undertake a momentous project, it astounds me even how I'm gonna trim it to manageable sizes. I tried to make it smaller from the onset but it seemed to lack that certain je ne sais quoi. To top it all off, whenever i type in the info i want on google search, it takes less than two seconds to show me a whole lot of... nothing. So this is me a big girl in a very very big world. I've sent out a few frantic smoke signals to those who can help out lets just hope their hearts turn soft with my piteous (I might be exaggerating just a tad bit) cry for assistance :-)

Oh gods of google, why hast thou forsaken me in my hour of need?

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