Saturday, June 18, 2011

Raising a Genius....

I have a beautiful three-year old niece who has delayed-terrible-two-syndrome (yes I came up with that ™. This is a bit of a pickle because the behaviors of two year old's should definitely not be combined with those of three year old's in one body.

She loves singing and the fact that she doesn't really understand most of the words said in the songs she tends to pretty much make up things on her way. The kicker is that when she is making up words she spews out things she hears every now and then and they stick to her mind. For example the colorful language she hears her dad and his friends when their favorite footie team is loosing. This means in between her singing you can very clearly hear the "sh**" or the "cr**" and "WTF". Trying to get her to stop belting out these words is an even bigger challenge because she is kinda defiant. The more you say no the more she wants to see just how far she can get away with doing that thing.

She has also started learning how to read three letter words, she sounds out the letters then she reads the word whole. Those familiar with the Montessori Study technique will know what I'm talking about. However, being the little creative genius that she is, the small number of words she knows are not sufficient to whet her appetite to show just how learned she is so she makes up new words. You can imagine my surprise when one afternoon we were seated outside and she was loudly shouting out letters then words. All of a sudden after the "P-O-T POT" word she went on to shout "P-O-N PON" granted it isn't PORN but it sounds exactly the same. I wonder what the neighbors think of our child-rearing skills now :)

Oh well, every creative genius has a quirk don't they?

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