Tuesday, May 24, 2011

To Do: Have A Baby

Sometime ago I registered in this site called 43 things (www.43things.com) and its a website where you list 43 things you would like to accomplish in your life. Its very interesting because you can see if you share a particular goal with someone, interact with them even and when you accomplish it you can list it as done and people congratulate you. Its my feel-good site. So over the next few posts (if peace prevails in my life and I have no urgent news) I will share some of the things that my heart desires to put down as an accomplishment in life. So far I have only 29 things, though they used to be 30. Yes, that's right I actually accomplished one thing. I cut my hair. Ok, granted it may not be your ooooooh accomplishment but its a big deal to me so get your own 43 things :)
My first to-do is funny enough "to get a kid" and according to the site i share that goal with 250 other people. And 36 out of 36 people think its worth doing. For those of you not so good at Math that is 100%.
So what is all the rave about having a kid? Well it is actually a big deal apart from the fact that you life changes totally....wait, that is the biggest fact.
It means being responsible for another human being who is totally dependent on you. Forget about you happy-go-lucky-I'm-free-to-go-anywhere lifestyle. Another big thing for me is that you stretch out, your body expands to accommodate this person you are carrying around, you have to eat for two now and you have to be conscious of what you put down your throat.
Personally I love sleeping on my stomach almost 80% of my sleeping time but get this, when you are preggers you have to just sleep on your sides. Your old clothes don't fit, you probably don't fit through some places like matatus, there is the morning sickness, the mood swings....oooppphhh i could go on and on. And yet, here it is on my to-do list. There is just this inane desire to be a mother at some point in my life, call it maternal instincts or society.
A time will come...........

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for introducing me to a new website.Im already on it.Beautiful piece there lovey.I also want to be a mother but there are some milestones I have reach first.hehe


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