Saturday, May 7, 2011

To All My A-Little-Insane Friends (With Love)

Sitting down today to catch up with one of my very good friends it occurred to me how lucky I am that there exist people in this world who actually get me and my quirks. Everyone who is close to me kind of just flow into my eccentricities and boy, am I glad that such a feat is possible.

So I got to thinking, when we were younger we were stuck on this idea that someone needs to have a best friend. Just one person in this whole wide world whom you can tell EVERYTHING and who will hold your hand through it all. I guess that was all well and good then because life was still simple and your biggest problem was probably who was going to be assigned as your seatmate in class. And at that time there was always an available person who encompassed all the characters you wanted in a best friend and hooray! he/she was also on the lookout for a best friend too. So after a shared break-time "nabbed" yourself a best friend. Life complete right?

However as you grow older you soon realize that one single person just simply cannot personify ALL that you desire in a "best friend". So the easiest thing that we do is to have several close friends and this works really well because most people tend to generally have some similar interests as well as several clashing ones. For example one will have a friend whom you can confide in about your love life, those you talk to when you need spiritual advice, those who are good for fun, those who are there just for a good laugh and so on. This in its entirety I believe is the best way we have learnt to cope as adults in this world. Know the people around you, know of what use you can be to them and more significant, learn of what importance they are to you. Just be thankful for your close friends, always.

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