Slipping isn't falling. Isn't that how the saying goes? A lot can be said about life's slips and falls and this post is just one of the many stories.
It is very possible in life to know someone but never really know them. To be privy to everything intimate down to the nooks and crannies of different parts of their beings but when it comes down to it most of what they show you are only the parts they let you see. If down the journey of your life you have not come across a sign that says "Being Fooled is in Your Near Future" This is me assuring you that it is.
Somehow this is just one of those lessons that are up there with potty training, it happens (there will probably be crying and cursing involved here), you learn and you move on onto a new level of life, a little bit wiser (we hope). The most worrying thing about it though is that it happens when you least expect it or from a place you wouldn't have guessed. Call it karma call it life...take thy pick.
Buuut this isn't a narration about despair or disappointment. On the contrary, this is a about hope and fresh chances. The underlying fact we always forget that whenever a stage or phase of life ends, there is a whole new page open up to make a difference and re-create a new chapter.
Everyone is always looking out for the proverbial "greener grass" whether in relationships, careers, business opportunities etc. There is always a belief that something out there is better than what you have. However, and this is monumental so I will write it in capital letters, IT IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE YOUR OWN GRASS GREENER. And its a simple as a mind shift. The way in which you perceive your circumstances. Because frankly, you are only as happy as as you allow yourself to be. So why not just let go and let happy in?
So your relationship is not going as you anticipated, the guy/girl you are dating is not keeping up with your expectations. You want to go into town, he/she is dressed for the village, you want to be monogamous, he/she is opening branches faster than Equity Bank, You want to take it to the next step, he/she wants to tone things down....the list is as endless as there are different characters in the world. So how do you take charge of this? Simply put is to constantly find your happiness, if something is getting you down and bogging down that progress that you need then let it go. Life is too short to waste it in relationships that are not going anywhere. You deserve happy. And indeed most times we are in search of that perfect someone and we forget to literally take a step back and look at ourselves and wonder if we are fitting for someone else first. Its worth looking into that sometimes the problem is not only the world but also your perception of it and how it ought to be.