I had to end the new year with a bang so this past Saturday I took my girlfriend Adi and went to get a Marilyn Monroe piercing at Barry's Piercings in Westlands.
The anxiety was so apparent from the morning when i stepped out of bed and my brain recalled that I was due to get an extra hole on my face that day. I can barely remember much of what transpired during most of the day so will get right down to business and describe the "deed".
Its always important when going through life to surround yourself with friends who can help you get through the hard, tough and just-wanna-pull-out-your-hair days. Those friends who will bail you out when you get into sh**, hold your hair up when you puke after a night of drink binging,......well, you get my drift. My friend Adi is not that type. She is in-your-face, tell-you-when-you're-wrong, take-you-comfort-eating...basically all the good stuff :) When you're going to get your appendix pulled out...take your mother. When you're going for a fight...take Adi!! :)
I digress, so off we went to get the piercing. It wasn't the huge needle so much that freaked me out, or the smell of antiseptic reminding me of a hospital ward, it's the fact that Barry wasn't nearly as pierced as I thought he would be. I kinda expected a professional piercer to be passionate about his work so much so as to be a walking billboard of his art. I can gross you out and go into details about the clamp holding my lip, or the long thick needle that was so sharp it penetrated layers of skin in seconds, or the huge amount of blood that gushed out and was stopped just as fast. But I won't....hehehehe.
Apart from the numbness and the feeling of having a stud through my upper lip, i was doing pretty good. Went for Wamathai December and even went for drinks after. The swollen face the next day caused a panic. I had vivid visions of my face turning green and possibly decaying...yish...so i quickly searched for the Barry's number on the receipt only to come across a line that said
"Do not consume alcohol during the healing process" Sh**!!!!!!
In the past few days I've gone through a myriad of emotions and conspiracy theories about piercings, sleeping with a pocket mirror under my pillow so I can periodically wake up to check if my face has swallowed the stud, late night Google searches for aftercare of lip piercings and symptoms of infections...in short according to Google i was going to DIE!!!!!!!!!!!
Its been almost a week since I jumped off the sane cliff and I'm just still on free fall but according to Barry I'm gonna fall on a soft cushy surface real soon, no need to worry :)
Oh...if only it were that easy, Barry. If only.