Thursday, July 21, 2011

Of Unfulfilment and the Phobias That Should Never Be Mentioned

My blogging has really slacked off for a while (though very few people complained). The reason is that I have been going through a crisis of sorts. It has reached a time in my life when my being is rearing to go but life is just not complying accordingly. Hence leaving me somewhat unfulfilled.

I just can't put my finger on what bothers me the most but I think that's mostly because I'm scared of what I might discover about myself. There is nothing as scary to me as finding out bare truths about myself that I have neither the inclination or the strength to start dealing with. (deep exhale) Glad I got that off my chest.

Now on to something a bit more light. I have discovered I have a mini phobia which is a bit out of the ordinary (which is fitting because almost everything in my life is out of the norm). Anyway, whenever I use the Ladies and I sit on that seat to do my "business" I get panicked thoughts that maybe I'm in a public place and I'm just hallucinating the loo. Of course the implication of this is that I'm doing my business in public (heavens forbid). Well, don't look at me like least I admit mine. What's yours?

Be blessed followers of my overly-descript blog :)